Section 1. Name
and domicile. – There is hereby created the Joint Legislative-Executive
Tax Commission, hereinafter called the Tax Commission for shot, which
shall be organized within sixty days after the approval of this Act. It
shall have its main office in the City of Manila.cralaw Sec. 2. Purposes and objectives. – The Tax
Commission shall have the following purposes and objectives:
(a) To undertake a comprehensive study of the need
for additional revenue for accelerated national development and the
sources from which this might most equitably be derived.cralaw
(b) To re-examine the existing tax system and tax
policy structure.cralaw
(c) To conduct researches on taxation for the
purpose of improving the tax system and tax policy.cralaw
(d) To pass upon all tax measures and revenue
(e) To recommend such reforms or revisions as may be
necessary to improve revenue collection and administration and to
formulate sound tax policy and a more efficient tax structure.cralaw
In its deliberations for re-studying and revising our tax policy
structure, the Tax Commission shall be guided by the following
fundamental principles:
(1) To avoid increasing the tax burden of the
average taxpayer.cralaw
(2) To assess sector of the economy not now bearing
their proportionate share of the costs of Government.cralaw
(3) To place emphasis on progressive rather than
regressive factors in the tax system, with ability to pay as the
principal criterion.cralaw
(4) To avoid impairing appropriate business
(5) To use the tax structure as a legitimate
instrument for achieving social and economic justice in the
distribution of the fruits of our national economy.
Sec. 3. Powers. – For carrying out the purposes
mentioned in the preceding section, the Tax Commission shall be
(a) To secure from any department, bureau, office,
agency or instrumentality of the Government, such assistance as may be
needed, such as the detail of officials or employees, technical
information, the production of records; and the submission of
suggestions or plans as it may require;
(b) To summon by subpoena any private citizen to
testify before it, or require by subpoena duces tecum to produce before
it such books or records as it may require in its work; and
(c) Generally to exercise all the powers necessary
to attain the purposes for which it is organized.cralaw
The Tax Commission, or any member thereof, or division thereof, may
hold such hearings and sit and act at such times and places, and take
such testimony, as it may, by internal rule, provide. Any member of the
Tax Commission may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses
appearing before it or before such member or division.cralaw Sec. 4. Composition and appointment. – The powers
of the Tax Commission shall be vested in, and exercised by, a governing
body consisting of nine (9) members as follows:
(1) Three to be appointed by the President of the
Philippines. Any or all of these three may or may not be officials of
the Government.cralaw
(2) Three Senators to be appointed by the President
of the Senate, one of whom shall be from the minority party.
(3) Three Congressmen to be appointed by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall come from the
minority party.cralaw
The Tax Commission shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from
among its members. It shall have the power to appoint and fix
compensations of such personnel as it deems advisable in accordance
with the provisions of the Civil Service Laws.cralaw
Five members of the Tax Commission shall constitute a quorum.cralaw
Any vacancy in the Tax Commission shall not affect its powers but shall
be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.cralaw
Members of the Tax Commission who are government officials shall not
receive additional compensation for services rendered thereto. Members
of the Tax Commission who are not government officials shall receive a
per diem of twenty-five pesos when engaged in the performance of duties
vested in the Tax Commission. Traveling and other necessary expenses
shall, however, be allowed.cralaw Sec. 5. Submission of report. – The Tax Commission
shall submit its report and recommendations to the President of the
Philippines ad to both presiding officers of Congress not later than
ten days after the opening of the next regular session of the Fourth
Congress.cralaw Sec. 6. Funds. – To carry out the provisions of
this Act, the sum of five hundred thousand pesos is hereby appropriated
out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated.cralaw Sec. 7. Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect
upon its
Approved: May 15, 1959.